Friday, February 12, 2010

Congratulation Letter For Pregnant Woman What Would You Do If Someone Told People At Work That You Were Pregnant When U Werent Ready For It 2 Come Out?

What would you do if someone told people at work that you were pregnant when U werent ready for it 2 come out? - congratulation letter for pregnant woman

I was at work at the foot of the stairs and her friend said she was pregnant. This woman came to the door and started down the stairs. Right now, my friend said: "OMG congratulations" and showed him the pictures on my phone, but that's all. The woman had no idea what we were talking, but always went and told the people in the office I'm pregnant. Nobody knew. (in the 38 shes 50) That was my story, I am very angry, I think my engine blew up today, but I'm not crazy about this, I can not be bothered by this woman clearly. Now I have to say with other friends, but I was not prepared to have to wait until the amniocentesis came back that if the baby was fine. I wrote a letter to the woman, her staff, saying: "Her friends tell me that there is a letter of recommendationng rumors about me, I do not think you can blame only know. He sent a note on the defensive. What can I do? Any idea or smart. You stole my thunder, I thought I could never have children, this is my first baby.


Angel_Mom Officially Married said...

I understand your need for ruthless, but people you can tell your call and changes very irritating ...

"The best friend was my sister, the epiphany that I found on the basis of non-related" tracks "... I am 26 years and was an unwanted pregnancy ... but I was pregnant still happy to know that he has a mother to be was ...

I waited until he was 12 weeks to tell my family and all my friends ... Only to discover, he says, the people since the age of 9 weeks in a nasty and derogatory ...

Instead of having the best of me, I took my call in 11 weeks ... I'm glad I did it, because rumors have been too far and I have to say the satisfaction of the majorityPeople I take care of me, and to confirm rumors of a more positive light to others ...

There is nothing I can do to tell his people, and I sent the note ... I told him it was not his place to stop, and now ... But it would be so far ...

Stop talking about it, as a rule, if it bothers you, release it and do a welcome announcement for yourself ... Most people are waiting to personally know yet ...

Congratulations ... Enjoy ... And relax ...

Ariel said...

It was not their right to steal "their thunder, but it should not matter. You must refer to the happy event soon in your life, not one years Biddy focus was probably just excited for you.

You have already written a letter. The next thing to do, over it and move on.

Ariel said...

It was not their right to steal "their thunder, but it should not matter. You must refer to the happy event soon in your life, not one years Biddy focus was probably just excited for you.

You have already written a letter. The next thing to do, over it and move on.

me said...

No offense or anything, but you must eventually face the music. too proud of their Preggo share good news and not hide the girl. You can rage against someone to be happy for you. That is, I really should not care what others think anyway, his life and body. be proud of you. :)

too lady to rest said...

Wow, that's 38 and he wrote a note like this? Tickets are at the middle school. And there are rumors starting to spread in the deed. I recommend that you try to manage it a little bit more mature. Perhaps I should have asked to keep the story itself.

obama bin biden said...

On the other side and act like an adult. **** Who would fly if they have stolen the thunder. "

If you can not have it, for maybe a little sugar in the tank and finally destroyed the engine.

That's not my name said...

Smart or clever ideas? Try to "return" to it? Who had just happened. You're 38, not 17th You are with a baby that was to be their homeland.

SLBB said...

It's hard. I had something similar happens. A friend of mine who was pregnant, asked me if I am to my boss and several staff. I had 2 miscarriages, then not even tell my family for a while.

The best thing I can say is, was that you should tell him that you felt it offline. Explain that this is their first child, and was not started well on their business, and it is not his job to tell absolutely everyone. Politely say that the next time you are pregnant (haha) the good news is that it can spread. Tell him it's an important time in your life and you think it is in place for the new reality in which you must break.

Sorry, that stinks. I'd like to punch.

My baby is coming 7/7/09! said...

She had no right to do so! I'm furious! What is a violation of your privacy! Ehrlich said after the blood ... But even here it is me ... My pregnancy hormones are out of control. Frankly, have stepped up to demand answers. She talks behind your back as if you were in high school and Frickin shes 50! I think that's one of those cat ladies alone, without life. I do not know what to do, but I certainly do not miss out!

victor s said...

I think it should be down to their level, she has no life, and it is one of those people who talk just to talk someone! Perhaps an unfortunate situation that was about, but nothing happens without a reason! Now that everyone knows how to show and give her joy at not much meaning! As the largest person and good luck with the baby!

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