Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To Lose Customers Without Torrent How Do I Raise Prices For My Business?

How do I raise prices for my business? - how to lose customers without torrent

I have a store where you charge a fixed rate now, in detail cars. I think I can make more money, not because I'm greedy, but because the value of my business when compared to other competitors the same, and I do not charge that much. My experience is there, and resources, but not worth the price increase on. How can I make without losing customers?


Mari said...

Nothing that we send notifications by mail or at your place *** slight increase in prices as a result of expenditure respectively. yadda yadda yadda *** But youre best customers and know the name and life story LOL! (You know what they are) will offer a discount of 10% or something so that they feel that you are still the new best customers. Believe me, if the competition is there and will pay the same rate and they are not better people! remain with you.

Rudy J said...

With its ... mean overall increase of 10 or 15%.
Or if you know what kinds of competitors, who say they are higher move rates at its game.
And develop a program of "good customer" and the list in the store
20% discount on the combined services, 10% after all the services a year.

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