Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bc Dl Renewal Fee ABCD Is A Rhombus, With K The Midpoint Of DC And L The Midpoint Of BC.?

ABCD is a rhombus, with K the midpoint of DC and L the midpoint of BC.? - bc dl renewal fee

DL-and cross-BK m. The area of the quadrangle is KMLC what proportion of the area of the rhombus ABCD? Best answer 10 points

1 comment:

Yugiantoro ヘリ ユギアントロ said...

Be a is the length of BD, and b is the length of AC.
TM = (2 / 3) (1 / 2) b = (1 / 3) b
KL = (1 / 2) one

KMLC area of the ring is

= Surface (TM) (KL) = (1 / 3) B (1 / 2) one

Area = (1 / 6 ab) = (1 / 6) area of the diamond ABCD

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